There’s Only 5 Success Principles You Need
March 08, 2016
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When people are looking to succeed in their lives, some become frustrated and feel lost somewhere along the way. They may have clearly set goals that they really want to reach. But just wanting it may not be enough in order for them to succeed. They find themselves pulling back, sabotaging themselves, or failing. These are conflicts within that challenge their beliefs and cause doubts and fears.

Pros and Cons of Online Education for Teachers
January 21, 2016
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With online classes becoming a more and more popular choice it has become blatantly obvious what issues ensue with taking online classes. Not being able to contact a teacher, more chances of missed deadlines, are a couple of cons to taking online classes. While being able to do classwork from the comfort of home, and working at a more leisurely pace are a couple of pros to taking an online class.

5 New Content Marketing Strategies to Increase Traffic
December 08, 2015
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Customers are selfish. They don’t care about your content marketing plans; they care about what you can do for them, what value you can provide, and how they can get the quality products and services they want easily and quickly. Your job is to do just that. With that in mind, you may need to re-think your content marketing to bring them to your blog and to your other site pages in greater numbers.

Finding Some Inspiration – Here’s 8 Little Stories to Remember
December 07, 2015
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We all need to find some inspiration from time to time. Perhaps we are just burnt out and ready to give up; maybe we have had a falling out with a loved one; it could be that we have been disappointed or that others are spreading untruths about us; sometimes, we don’t feel that what the good we do even matters. Here are 8 great little stories to put in your memory bank when those rough patches hit.

How to Write an Informative Speech: 4 Go To Tips
November 05, 2015
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Learning how to write an informative speech does not need to be an overwhelming challenge. After all, it is simply you educating your audience on a topic that you know something about. Even better, there are a few tips and tricks that you can use to make the process of writing an informative speech relatively painless.

Social Media Recruitment: Why and How?
November 05, 2015
There are several reasons that adding social media recruiting to your overall employment and retention strategy is a good idea. First, recruiting through social media channels is far more inexpensive than placing advertisements on online job boards or purchasing print advertising. Getting the word out that you are hiring for a position over social media also makes that information available for sharing and reposting by others.

How to Write an Expository Essay – Back to the Basics
October 28, 2015
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You may not recognize the term “expository,” but you will recognize the type of essay, when you are given some example topics – the Cold War, painting my bedroom, friendship, the Electoral College, the life cycle of a fly. This should get you close an expository essay definition. The word “expository” has the word “expose” as its root.

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay
October 20, 2015
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You wrote these types of essays in high school. You may have compared or contrasted two characters in a piece of literature; you may have contrasted mitosis and meiosis in biology class; you may have compared or contrasted life in the North and the South just before the Civil War. So, you have had some experience with comparison/contrast essays.

The Controversial Essay – Here’s 12 Controversial Essay Topics
October 12, 2015
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Everyone has an opinion. Opinions are free, and anyone will give you theirs at no charge. It is good to have strong feelings about things, because they guide our behaviors. For example, if you think that too many people are in jail for minor crimes, then you may be passionate enough to take some action – email your Congressman or Senator or join a group that is working to get someone local released.

How to Write an Analytical Essay – Be a Lawyer
October 01, 2015
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What is it that attorneys do in the courtroom? They make a claim and then they support it with evidence. And that is just what writing an analytical essay does. You will have to present a claim about something you have read or seen, or about an idea or concept, break it down into parts and provide the evidence to support the claim you are making.